Bu ödevi hocam Radikal 2'ye gönderebileceğimi söylemişti ben de burda yayımlamaya karar verdim: Decline of Happiness with the Decline of “Social Capital” and Search for Happiness in the Individualistic Life Many of us are looking for happiness nowadays as the humanity did for years and years. Some may call this luxury, ease that has come with technology, some call it a family, children and some call it being independent economically. Some call it being with the loved ones. Some call it earning good money. Some call it a good standard of living, some call it being amongst friends. There are many diverse understandings of happiness and there are many different ways of reaching it. But today’s world for sure tries to give answers to the questions like the Epicureans or the Cynics do. To clarify the answer, happiness today is understood more like “a negation of societal bonds” and replacement of it by self-sufficiency. To need people either as a part of civil society, or fami...
Sevinçten uçardım hasta oldum mu Kırkı geçerse ateş çağrırlar İstanbul'a Bi' helallaşmak ister elbet di mi oğluyla Tifoyken başardım bu aşk oy'nunu Oh dedim göğsüne gömdüm burnumu Can Yücel