I suggest you to have a look at this website: https://poets.org/poem-a-day?mc_cid=2888b8cee2&mc_eid=5b20d82aae It is a wonderful website and if you subscribe they send you poems like this... so you get to know many poets from many different countries and cultures. It is a pleasure. [Like a white stone] Anna Akhmatova Translated from the Russian by Babette Deutsch and Avrahm Yarmolinsky Like a white stone deep in a draw-well lying, As hard and clear, a memory lies in me. I cannot strive
Sevinçten uçardım hasta oldum mu Kırkı geçerse ateş çağrırlar İstanbul'a Bi' helallaşmak ister elbet di mi oğluyla Tifoyken başardım bu aşk oy'nunu Oh dedim göğsüne gömdüm burnumu Can Yücel