The Sadness of an Aboriginal I cannot describe how sad they look In the shopping mall Or on the street With their faces looking meaninglessly To the crazy lights and shops around them. As if looking for the river once was there Looking at the meaninglessness of consumption And people in the shops The way westerners entertain themselves by shopping Whenever I see an Aboriginal sad I feel that I am meaningless That I am a part of it Of which they are not part of The great sadness of an aboriginal Is enough to make the whole world sad They are so small, so numb but sad, and lost They look unhappy They look like they are just there Cause they have to be there My mother would cry if she had seen a young man becoming blind slowly She would have cried if she had seen the aboriginals Like the imaginary characters You bump into them in an underground In a shopping mall On the street After the supermarket What happens is that when you s...
Sevinçten uçardım hasta oldum mu Kırkı geçerse ateş çağrırlar İstanbul'a Bi' helallaşmak ister elbet di mi oğluyla Tifoyken başardım bu aşk oy'nunu Oh dedim göğsüne gömdüm burnumu Can Yücel