It seems that they really love me Kerim Can (the older one) The ideal guy for Sah: 1) should be tidy 2) should be well dressed 3) should not mess up with Sah 4) should be clever 5) should love adventure 6) should be into nature 7) should be courageous 8) should be patient In terms of appearance -should be blonde -should not have acnes or pimples List of Deniz Han (the younger one) A guy who does not wear people out, should not have arguments with Sah, because Sah has enough things to deal with in her life. Should be cheerful, should comfort people when he wants to do that Should have a fun personality Should have an orderly life Hardworking Timely Punctual Should organize everything Should not decide himself, should talk to Sah first before he decides things. Should never keep secrets Should be able to be happy with little things... Tarihi Metnin Aslı (Türkçesi) Kerim Can (büyük olan) 1. Düzenli olması 2. Şık olm...
Sevinçten uçardım hasta oldum mu Kırkı geçerse ateş çağrırlar İstanbul'a Bi' helallaşmak ister elbet di mi oğluyla Tifoyken başardım bu aşk oy'nunu Oh dedim göğsüne gömdüm burnumu Can Yücel