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Self-Criticism for Policy-Makers: Deaths in the Mediterranean

The fact that 700 to 900 migrants have drowned in the Mediterranean, most of them refugees, does not change the perspective of the EU towards the rest of the world. Although extra funding is being provided to Italy for the rescue operations these deaths in the beautiful Mediterranean are not anything new. Amnesty International estimated the deaths in 2014 alone were 2500 (assuming that many weren’t found)[1]. The Italian government and other Southern European governments cannot take all the responsibility alone as EU has its own borders and Italy, for instance, has only been unfortunate enough to be at the southern side of these borders.

Nobody is talking about Frontex, the law enforcement agency that controls the borders of the EU, and was established in 2005[2]. Frontex exists to incur cooperation amongst the member states of the EU as well as cooperation with the buffer zones such as Poland and Turkey, for instance, which are the transit countries for many refugees and immigrants. These are a few duties of Frontex that you can easily find on EU the website:

    “coordinate operational cooperation between Member States as regards the management of external borders;
    develop a common integrated risk assessment model and prepare general and specific risk assessments;
    help Member States train their national border guards by developing common training standards, providing training at European level for instructors of national border guards, holding seminars and offering additional training to officials of the competent authorities;
    monitor research relevant to the control and surveillance of external borders;
    assist Member States in circumstances requiring increased technical and operational assistance at external borders;
    provide Member States with the necessary support in organising joint return operations. The agency may use the Union resources available for this purpose and must draw up an inventory of best practice for the removal of third-country nationals residing illegally in Member States;
    deploy Rapid Border Intervention Teams to Member States under urgent and exceptional pressure due to, for example, a massive influx of illegal immigrants.”[3]

Nobody nowadays mentions the effects of establishing a highly securitizing and excluding border agency and the consequences of it. And few people have drawn attention to the link between migration and development. It seems that tragedy, humanitarian rescue, and border control are the only things we hear when we listen to the politicians. Some can even say, “well the numbers of the dead are not that high”, or some can say, “it is the smugglers and traffickers’ fault that these people are being fooled into these dangerous routes.” What about the historical responsibilities of all the countries who had, for centuries, colonies in all of Africa? The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Turkey (especially North Africa and Middle East) are all countries that have the historical responsibility towards the conflicts and chaos that are caused in the most oil-rich countries of the world because historically they had been involved. And history incurs responsibility.  

Many years ago, when I attempted to become a journalist, I met an Egyptian doctor and he had showed me Sub-Saharan Africa and told me “this part of Africa is going to be so prominent in the future, as they are all oil-rich.” No wonder why he told me this and no wonder why all these people not being the owners of their own resources are being forced to migrate out of their countries because of extremist groups that are definitely supported by capitalist powers for their bloody strategic interests. I could not understand at the time what he meant, but today it is easy to see that human blood is cheaper than oil.

All these countries mentioned above have the historical responsibility to open their doors, and borders in the face of a humanitarian crisis to the refugees and asylum-seekers. These people are desperate to leave their countries and they cannot benefit from the ‘right to stay’. Right to stay as explained by Kieran Oberman[4] (2011), is every person’s right to stay in their own country if the circumstances avail them to do it. If they are peaceful and have the economic opportunities, most of the people would not have left their cultures, families and would not have taken these tremendous risks with their babies in their arms.

The unfortunate issue and fact is that all we talk about is numbers. How many migrants are there in that country? How many are coming and how many are exiting? It’s too bad that nobody has exit controls. Let’s build a Great Wall of China around Europe so that nobody but us can benefit from prosperity while using cheap labor from all over the world. How many people have died on the sea? And how many countries have taken a step to follow a common European Asylum policy? While the answers to the other questions are not clear and will never be exactly known, the answer to the last question is that as long as the asylum-seekers’ numbers are not too high, all the EU powers had signed up for the Common European Asylum Policy[5]. But it seems that the protections that are proposed amongst the common policies might not be sufficient for the EU to take a more detailed and humanitarian perspective towards the issue. Here comes the technocratic view, devoid of empathy for ‘others’ but full of decisions that lead in some cases nowhere. And yet it is the EU that is given the Noble prize for peace. Isn’t it paradoxical?

It seems that we are living in an upside down world (or is it our ‘false consciousness’, as Marx would ask) that makes us think that world is like this and this is the only way it could function. Therefore, many of the suggestions proposed by scholars, experts and dreamers are never listened to. And if it is the migration experts who are being listened to, why don’tthese experts bring forward the old good ideas of ‘development of the sending countries’ and ‘historical responsibility’?

[4] Oberman, K. (2011). Immigration, global poverty and the right to stay. Political studies, 59(2), 253-268.



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