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The Sadness of an Aboriginal

The Sadness of an Aboriginal I cannot describe how sad they look In the shopping mall Or on the street With their faces looking meaninglessly To the crazy lights and shops around them. As if looking for the river once was there Looking at the meaninglessness of consumption And people in the shops The way westerners entertain themselves by shopping Whenever I see an Aboriginal sad I feel that I am meaningless That I am a part of it Of which they are not part of The great sadness of an aboriginal Is enough to make the whole world sad They are so small, so numb but sad, and lost They look unhappy They look like they are just there Cause they have to be there My mother would cry if she had seen a young man becoming blind slowly She would have cried if she had seen the aboriginals Like the imaginary characters You bump into them in an underground In a shopping mall On the street After the supermarket What happens is that when you s

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they want you to grow cold they want you to stay lonely they want you to be like themselves not liking any imagination or phantasy they want to keep distance they want to have a serious face they would like cold smiles and sarcastic jokes to hurt you not knowing who you are really they want to generalize  they want to numerize they really want to achieve and you are a weird creature for them cold cold people with cold cold hearts they want you to grow cold they want you to grow old they want you to be sad they enjoy from the sufferings and yet they are the best criticizers of what you have not adapted to they want you to change and become like a tree in winter rather than green and warm and shining lonley and freezing they freeze your blood they stimulate your thoughts they want you to be lonely and get used to silence book clubs feminism solidarity friends beer going out cheap talk good laughs you miss them terribly and you miss the wi

Ottawa'da Lesvos'u Özlerken - Bölüm 1

O yüzden bunu verimli bir döneme dönüştürmeye karar verdim. İçim kıpır kıpır, deniz kıpırtısız Bülent Ortaçgil'in söylediği gibi. Ottawa kocaman ve soğuk bir deniz. Dümdüz ve dalgasız, çok güzel bir deniz ama deniz ve ben ayrı düştük... O yüzden işte şimdi ben sıcak bir adadaki anılarımı anlatacağım sizlere. Orda gittiğim bir müzeyi ziyaret edeceğiz. Anılar müzesi, babası İzmir'den zorla göç etmek zorunda kalmış olan bir kadının hikayesini, babasına hasretini, babasının ülkesine hasretini ve kendisinin babasının hasretini yorumlayışıyla ilgili bir hikaye bu. Babalar ve kızlar arasındaki ilişki özeldir. Nasıl erkek çocuklar ile anneler arasındaki ilişki özelse... Nasıl anlarlarsa birbirlerini. Bir kitapta bir yazar der ki "Ben hep babalarını çok seven kadınları sevdim..." Ben de galiba hep annelerini çok seven adamları seviyorum. Sevmeyi bilen insanlar belki, belki benim gibi haddinden fazla duygusal ve toz kondurmaz. Bu yazı İngilizce fakat dikkat çekmek istediğim

Mine ile Yazımız Mine olmasaydı benim asla yazamayacağım bir yazı... Bu arada çok güzel bir kitap öneri ve eleştiri sitesi:

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