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Restrictions for Women

What women can do and what women cannot do

Recently I have seen a youtube video that teaches women how to behave in society for a better and secure social status. It made me think how many restrictions we face still in our day even in the modern times. It is a pity that the gains of the 60s and 70s are a little bit lost. This is weird also that some rules regarding being polite and nice are confused with other things, such as being a highly appreciated woman in society defined by the rules of that society so on and so forth.

What makes a woman more appealing? They talk about that. They talk about what princesses can do and what they cannot do.

Restrictions in religion, in a small town: the girls should not jump

According to our high school teacher women were not supposed to jump and I asked him why and he could not answer. The reason is that their boobs jump as well. Such a disgusting mentality, because of our physical traits men decide that they want to control us. They try to determine our behaviour, what we can do and what we cannot do because they cannot determine and control their own behaviour? Have I heard you right professor?

A woman should not dance till her hair gets wet. The best times of my dancing were the times when we went dancing and did not think about the world around us at all. So tell me what you think about that, tell me what you think how I should be is the way I should be, just because you cannot bear to see women attractive or you want to see them only as "hanımefendi", the ones that know how to sit and how to talk and how to walk. What makes the difference between males and females regarding how to behave in a society? Weirdly in every society I see men spitting on the floor, I don’t like it but nobody tells them not to spit. But as a woman you are told many things that you cannot do.  

The girls cannot wear too tight. The girls cannot sit opening their legs. The girls cant do this and cannot do that. It is not about femininity. It is a about a control mechanism that we should be all aware of. A control mechanism not only about gender but about obedience and disobedience.

Restrictions to princesses

Can you imagine that the princesses cannot have any signature of their own? It is incredible from my point of view to have such a case where women are not allowed to have their own signatures. They don’t exist do they in legal life? It is easier to control the power structures and continue them as they are, if women do not have their signatures anywhere. So when you die, can you imagine that they cannot find even a signature of you? Just clothes and photos of you where you look wonderful, and how beautiful and elegant you were, and what kind of good taste you had when you were a princess. That is all that is… that remains from you really? If Diana had not shown so much affection and love to the whole world and if she had not been so sincere in her outlook and natural in her manners, would we have loved her so much? So she did not have a signature of her own? I don’t know what is going on in this world but it does not sound to me like we are in 21st century neither in the west nor in the east.

To be continued...


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