Ana içeriğe atla


Surprisingly after many years of liberation, freedom, aims to establish equality between sexes and being aware of gendered societies, we are now sitting and discussing AGAIN why abortion should be illegal or not. This is a very interesting question, especially when we think about women who defend this aspect from a religious perspective.

Recently in the USA, abortion has been accepted as illegal in two provinces. We might think that it is not significant as it is only two states and women can travel if they want, to another state to do abortion. On the other hand, we might also think that it is disgusting and unacceptable to think of women who are raped, to bear the child from the rapist. I do not know how it sounds to you but it sounds to me as if taking the control away from women, and giving it to the rapist. It sounds to me as if the women do not have any control over their bodies and what they can do with their bodies when they are violently raped and they are a traumatized and they cannot decide if they should bear the child from their rapist. Can you ever agree with it? From an ethical and humanistic perspective, it is nothing to be discussed or even thought of.

However, control is the key word of our societies now. Controlling women, controlling data, controlling others, controlling populations, controlling migration, controlling emails-facebook-twitter, etc. The teenagers started to use flirt violence against each other, asking his or her partner's password and checking their private emails and messages. 

What does it imply for our society? Seemingly free, we are not free. I have been thinking of it for a long while, even when I aim to have more liberty-oriented ideas, I ask myself if I am disposed to think this way because of my background, class, education, and gender. But now states, governments, markets do not see any trouble on controlling the minds, underwears, and privacies of people just because they are not trustworthy, because they are either radicals, because they are bonus, or because they are uncontrollable, because they are women, because they are this and that, and they are a risk. The society of distrust makes it impossible to think of human beings as “good” in their nature. It sounds as if we are taking the discussion to this level: we need to have guns under our pillows, you never know, you cannot trust even your children, friends, family and partners.

Are we going mad?

My answer is yes. 

50 percent of workers in the USA take antidepression. People are talking about meditation, calming techniques, the ways to deal with stress, people are going back to rural places to calm down. We are totally deluded and we do not know what to do with it. Maybe it was a family, a car and a job after all that we needed. Maybe it was to paint, to sing, to be with others. Maybe it was focussing on what is important for us. 

At the same time, we also know that nothing is secure, everything can change from one moment to another. From today to tomorrow, they can tell you that your company has closed down and you have no work. Are you compensated? Maybe not. We are scared of this news about killing, torturing the poor animals, the poor children, the poor babies, lost and found in rivers, in forests, abused and killed. What kind of world are we living in? Do we desire to have some kind of self-destructive attitude so that everybody will start killing each other at some point not knowing who to trust and who to be friends with? Or we will be closed in our houses watching streaming series, and our life will be full of series where we have good and bad characters, and as long as they are not near us, it is okay to watch them.

That is what we have become: as long as they are not near us, it is okay to reject them, to refuse them, to let them die.

As long as that woman is not me, it is okay not to be aborted.
As long as that migrant is not me, it is okay not to be drowned.
As long as it is not my child, it is okay to see other children dying.
As long as I do not wear fur, it is okay to eat cats, dogs, and kill animals for luxury.

That is what we have become, and as long as we think that way, we are risking more and more and more, that every me and every you are the same thing. Cause universe is one and we are one, and we all breathe the same air, we are all responsible for the same sins, we are all responsible for the same good, and yes we are just a brick in the wall but we make the wall and without one brick the wall would stand but if we just disagree with it, then the wall will collapse. And we, when watching the injustices of others, how can we close our eyes and say that, we are getting more and more ignorant and closed inside our homes, the more technology takes control of our lives and who we are. 

We need to think really well.

Every me and every you, we might be used and abused one day and that is why we need to be more aware of the relations between abortion, controlling migration, controlling women, controlling populations, for the sake of who? We will never know, but we can make a guess, those who are scared, those who are distrustful and those who would kill you immediately with their guns if they could because they do not say it but they have certain ideas about race, gender, and the west and the "rest of the world". 

And sometimes I ask myself, is it any good to have children in this world? Can you imagine a woman who cannot control how many children she can have, her partner forces her to, or she does not know how not to have children… can you imagine a woman of 13 years old, who has to accept what they tell her to accept, who are not given the chance to recover, to be educated to be herself as she wants to be?

Controlling “the weak” is an ancient idea, so do not think that we have invented it now.


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